“Capacitaciones”: The GWC hosts a series of worker-led Know Your Rights workshops about wage rights, health and safety in the workplace, and collective organizing. Workshops are conducted regularly at weekly membership meetings, and serve as a space for workers to learn together, and discuss and evaluate the state of the local industry.
Wage Theft: Through the GWC’s wage claim process, workers demand owed wages via direct negotiation, and by filing a claim with the state Labor Commission. Members are trained to conduct intake, calculate owed wages, and educate others about the claims process. They form worker delegations to deliver demand letters, and negotiation teams to assist fellow members in negotiating payment of owed wages. GWC emphasizes that this program is not service-based but rather a tool for collective organizing. Additionally, the GWC supports local policy initiatives to increase and improve the legal remedies available to workers seeking to respond to wage theft.
Research as Organizing: The GWC has recently partnered with the Data Center and UCLA Labor Center to launch a participatory action research (PAR) project in which GWC members will be trained as researchers. Members will decide the research methodology, such as surveys and focus groups, aimed at documenting relevant and current information on working conditions and the network of industry players. The project goals are to foster a space for shared learning and analysis, leadership development, base-building, and ultimately to assist the GWC in crafting strategic organizing campaigns.